Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things to Remember in Framing Artworks

Art has been part of everyone’s culture since the earth began, and so as art pieces. Art pieces, or commonly termed as artworks, are considered priced possessions as they do not only cost hundreds of thousands to millions, but also each artwork is considered rare, peculiar, one of a kind, hard-to-find or limited. This is the reason why framing artwork is as important as the artwork, itself.

It is uncommon for an artist, or a painter, for example, to make more than one copy of their master piece. Most often than not, the most priced artwork is those that have no duplicate or whatsoever. So, if ever you own a rare artwork, the first thing that you should consider, or you should immediately do is to frame it. Of course, there are certain considerations that you must think first before you frame it. It is not just enough to simply frame it as framing artworks need to be done cautiously so as not to damage the master piece. Always remember to avoid damaging the artwork as it may never be repaired and even if it can be repaired, the true beauty of it is seldom retained.

Framing artwork is sometimes considered to be an intricate process as artworks are kind of sensitive pieces of art that should be given extra care when working with, because as it has been mentioned above, to frame it is to preserve it. And since this piece of art is usually made years ago, it only means that the material used to make it is also of old age and old age in this case means, brittle materials or fragile that it can easily get damaged, thus it needs extra care and must be well taken care of.

Now that you have an idea of why and how the artwork should be framed, then it would be easy to for you to frame it without getting the artwork damaged.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How To Make Japanese Soup Broth - Miso Soup

Japanese foods have already gained popularity all over the world. Some of the Japanese foods that you can now see being sold almost everywhere are sukiyaki, tempura, sushi and teriyaki among others. But did you know that most of the Japanese crave for soup or soup broth like Miso soup? For those who have already seen Japanese people sipping their favorite Miso soup, I guess you have noticed the joyful expressions on their faces after having the first taste of their Miso Soup.

For those who want to learn how to make broth or soup broth, then you should try Miso soup as the ingredients are simple, as well as, the procedures in making it. All you need to do is to simply boil all the ingredients in the stock, which is called “dashi” in Japanese, and then you can add the miso afterwards. Miso, for the benefit of those who don’t know yet, is a fermented paste of soybeans and either barley (mugi miso) or rice (kome miso), with salt. After adding the miso to the mixture, you now know how to make soup broth.

But of course, there are some secrets in making miso soup just like any other ordinary dishes; some of these secrets to make your soup broth exceptional are listed below:

• Dissolve the miso well by using a ladle and stir a small amount first with some stock or dashi.

• Gradually add the miso while cooking.

• Boil the soup broth first before adding miso in order to not ruin the flavor of miso.

• Serve the miso soup hot.

• As much as possible, add suikuchi to add aroma, though it is not a necessity, suikuchi it can exponentially enhance the flavor of your miso soup.

• Nothing tastes better than fresh miso soup so it is not good for the next day consumption.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Definition of Broth According to en.wikipedia.org

Whenever I surf or searched the internet for broth soup, the first result showed was of the wikipedia.org. This popular website, en.wikipedia.org, defines the word broth, instead of defining the whole “broth soup” word. According to the said site’s definition, broth is a liquefied food preparation, normally made of either water or in some instances, an already flavored stock, where the animal bones, meat, fish, cereal grains or even vegetables have been boiled until cook.

It was also added that broth is used as the foundation for other liquids such as soup, gravy, or sauce that are safe to be eaten. Furthermore, broth can be eaten alone or with a dressing on top. Broth can be called soup broth or can be termed as soup alone if other ingredients will be used, like the use of pearl barley or oats.

In Great Britain, the word broth is defined as a soup that contains not just liquids but also solid pieces of either meat or fish, together with some other vegetable remains included during the process of preparing it. Normally, a broth is generally prepared with a simple stock or plain water as its main ingredient, and then mixed together with either meat or fish, which are added while being brought to a simmer; here the vegetables are added after some time later. Broth soup is a thin and more like watery soup that is frequently made more nutritious by adding rice, barley or even pulses. In some cases, broth is described to be different from stock, because broth are a thin liquid prepared by simmering fresh ingredients until all the taste has been retrieved from those ingredients, then sieving the resulting liquid.

From the cooking schools in the United States, they differentiate broth from soup; broth are generally made of portions of animal meat, while on the other hand, soup is often prepared using vegetable scraps and bones.